Our Users
Bridge Club
Meets Monday afternoon at 1.30 (with the exception of Bank Holidays)
Contact: Anne 01347 810214 or Penny 01347 811132
Gardening Club
Meets on the last Wednesday of the month - September to April - at 7.30pm. The occasional trip is arranged during the summer months. Discount is available on seed and fertilizer orders through the club and we enjoy 10% discount at Dean's Garden Centre, Stockton on Forest and at Castle Howard Plant Centre. In addition to the above benefits there is an annual Plant Sale in May and an annual Show in August.
Contact: Gelda or Robert Churton 01347 810513
Parish Council
There are 7 Parish Councillors who are elected for a 4 year term. The Parish Council meets on the first Wednesday of each month in the Village Hall. All electors are welcome to attend.
The Parish Clerk is Nigel Knapton Email: clerk@stillingtonparishcouncil.uk
Originally an initiative started by Hambleton District Council to combat loneliness in older people this group welcomes anyone.
Meets every Friday 1-3pm to play Boccia (a paralympic sport) and Kurling in a competitive but good natured manner.
Contact: Joe McKechnie (joe.mckechnie@hambleton.gov.uk)
Short Mat Bowls
The club meets during the winter months (September to April). Practice sessions take place on Tuesday afternoons from 2pm to 4pm. The club plays matches in the Kyle Valley Triples League.
Contact: Nigel Marsh 01347 810897
Stillington and District Community Archive Group
A volunteer led initiative to preserve the heritage of Stillington, North Yorkshire, and its surrounding district, in the form of still and moving images, documents and oral narratives.
Meets four times a year at 7.30 usually the third Wednesday of the month
Email: stillingtonarchive@gmx.co.uk
Website: www.stillingtoncommunityarchive.org
Table Tennis
Meets every Thursday 10-12
Contact: Kathy Berry 01347 238403
The Tuesday Pop-in
A new initiative to combat social isolation. Chat and make new friends over coffee.
Meets Tuesday morning 10.30-12
Stillington and Farlington Women's Institute
Meets on the 2nd Wednesday of the month in the Village Hall at 7.15pm. There are eleven meetings in the year, August being the holiday month. Invited speakers and guests cover a wide range of interests and crafts.
Contact: Margaret Jackson 01347 810250 or Eveth Harrison 01347 810497